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Gallery of My Private Mineral Collection - Page 2

Mineral specimen: Scapolite and Vesuvianite from Goodall Quarry, Sanford, Maine.

Mineral specimen: Heulandite, Laumontite, Calcite, Quartz from Upper New Street Quarry, Paterson, New Jersey.

Mineral specimen: Quartz pseudomorph after Calcite from Cinque Quarry, East Haven, Connecticut.

Mineral specimen: Quartz var. Smoky from Peter's Pocket, N. Moat Mt., Bartlett, New Hampshire.

Mineral specimen: Schorl in Albite from La Flamme Quarry, Minot, Maine.

Mineral specimen: Linarite from Grand Reef Mine, Klondyke Mining District, Arizona.

Mineral specimen: Amphibole in Calcite from Lime Crest Quarry, Sparta, New Jersey.

Mineral specimen: Spinel in Franklin Marble from Lime Crest Quarry, Sparta, New Jersey.

Mineral specimen: Galena in Franklin Marble from Lime Crest Quarry, Sparta, New Jersey.

Mineral specimen: Franklinite in Calcite from Sterling Hill Mine, Ogdensburg, New Jersey.

Mineral specimen: Marcasite in Calcite with Dolomite from Eastern Rock Products Quarry, St. Johnsville, New York.

Mineral specimen: Quartz crystal cluster from RR cut, east bank of Hudson River, Poolsburg, New York.

Mineral specimen: Wulfenite with Quartz coating from Finch Mine, Hayden, Arizona.

Mineral specimen: Quartz var. Tessin habit from Becker Quarry, West Willington, Connecticut.

Mineral specimen: Aurichalcite, Hemimorphite from 79 Mine, Hayden, Arizona.

Mineral specimen: Almandine Garnet in Albite from Power Line Quarries, Topsham, Maine.

Mineral specimen: Wulfenite with Quartz coating from Finch Mine, Hayden, Arizona.

Mineral specimen: Calcite, Pseudo-cubic, on Datolite from Millington Quarry, Millington, New Jersey.

Mineral specimen: Almandine Garnet and Epidote from Rt. 111 (north of Rt. 25) shopping center excavation, Trumbull, Connecticut.

Mineral specimen: Schorl Tourmaline in Quartz from Harvard Quarry, Greenwood, Maine.

Mineral specimen: Beryl from Howe No. 1 Quarry, South Glastonbury, Connecticut.

Mineral specimen: Fluorapatite and Albite from Songo Pond Quarry, Albany, Maine.

Mineral specimen: Chabazite, Huelanditem Quartz, Calcite from Upper New Street Quarry, Paterson, New Jersey.

Mineral specimen: Apophyllite on Datolite from Millington Quarry, Millington, New Jersey.

Mineral specimen: Schorl in Smoky Quartz and Oligoclase from 105th Street at Hudson River, Manhattan Island, New York City, New York.

Mineral specimen: Quartz var. Tessin habit from Becker Quarry, West Willington, Connecticut.

Mineral specimen: Vanadinite from J. C. Holmes claim, Patagonia, Arizona.

Mineral specimen: Quartz from Condominium excavation, Gorge Road, Edgewater, New Jersey.

Mineral specimen: Quartz from Condominium excavation, Gorge Road, Edgewater, New Jersey.

Mineral specimen: Schorl in Albite from Harvard Quarry, Greenwood, Maine.

Mineral specimen: Schorl, doubly terminated, in Albite from Harvard Quarry, Greenwood, Maine.

Mineral specimen: Beryl in Albite from Howe No. 1 Quarry, South Glastonbury, Connecticut.

Mineral specimen: Spodumene, terminated crystal from Strickland Quarry, Portland, Connecticut.

Mineral specimen: Barite and Chalcopyrite from Delware Aqueduct Shaft 2A, Wawarsing, New York.

Mineral specimen: Pyrite in Franklin Marble from Lime Crest Quarry, Sparta, New Jersey.

Mineral specimen: Natrolite on Calcite from Upper New Street Quarry, Paterson, New Jersey.

Mineral specimen: Quartz var. Smoky from Peter's Pocket, N. Moat Mt., Bartlett, New Hampshire.

Mineral specimen: Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite (20+ pcs.) from Fruitville Pike locality, North of Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Mineral specimen: Pyrite and Stilbite in Calcite vein from Harlem Meer, Central Park, Manhattan Island, New York City, New York.

Mineral specimen: Vanadinite from J. C. Holmes claim, Patagonia, Arizona.

Mineral specimen: Beryl var. Heliodor from Slocum Beryl Prospect, Wopowog, Moodus, Connecticut.

Mineral specimen: Quartz var. Smoky from Peter's Pocket, N. Moat Mt., Bartlett, New Hampshire.

Mineral specimen: Quartz crystal cluster from RR cut, east bank of Hudson River, Poolsburg, New York.

Mineral specimen: Azurite from 4750' level, Lone Star Area, Phelps Dodge Morenci Mine, Morenci, Arizona.

Mineral specimen: Spodumene altered with Quartz / Hydroxyl-Herderite from Tamminen Quarry, Greenwood, Maine.

Mineral specimen: Quartz crystal cluster from Spring Glen Mine, Ellenville, New York.

Mineral specimen: Spinel in Calcite from Amity, New York.

Mineral specimen: Galena with yellow sphalerite from Lime Crest Quarry, Sparta, New Jersey.

Mineral specimen: Uvite / Dravite Tourmaline from Inwood Hill Park, Manhattan Island, New York City, New York.

Mineral specimen: Quartz var. Japan Law Twin from Peter's Pocket, N. Moat Mt., Bartlett, New Hampshire.

Mineral specimen: Quartz crystal cluster from RR cut, east bank of Hudson River, Poolsburg, New York.

Mineral specimen: Quartz crystal pocket (2 halves) from Near foundation of Henry Hudson Bridge, Inwood Hill Park, Manhattan Island, New York City, New York.

Mineral specimen: Quartz crystal cluster from Spring Glen Mine, Ellenville, New York.

Mineral specimen: Barite and Chalcopyrite from Delware Aqueduct Shaft 2A, Wawarsing, New York.

Mineral specimen: Pyrite in Franklin Marble from Lime Crest Quarry, Sparta, New Jersey.

Mineral specimen: Elbaite var. Watermelon Tourmaline from Berry-Havey Quarry, East Poland, Maine.

Mineral specimen: Calcite from RR cut, east shore of Hudson River, Anthony's Nose, Putnam County, New York.

Mineral specimen: Amber from Clay pits, Sayreville, New Jersey.

Mineral specimen: Uvite / Dravite Tourmaline from Inwood Hill Park, Manhattan Island, New York City, New York.

Mineral specimen: Elbaite var. Watermelon Tourmaline from Berry-Havey Quarry, East Poland, Maine.

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